Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Avery, Max, And Jack: Blog Of The Day

Swimming in the Tomato Water
By Jack, Max and Avery
One day outside a museum a guy named Max and His 5 best friends wanted to play a game that no one else has ever played before. They called it water in the water. What they did is they changed into their swimsuits and dumped 300 buckets of tomatoes on the the ground. They stomped on it for 10 hours so that all the tomatoes are destroyed and turned into a ton of mushy stuff. They had Max and Jack Swim in it first. Max had on blue goggles and jack had on green goggles. The jumped into the tomatoes at the same time. They got so much tomato on them that they started to smell like a tiger and an elephant's poop. When they started swimming they remembered that they can't swim, so they drowned and choked on the tomatoes. They started to die.
The End


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