Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

One moonlit night at an average summer camp the counselors were sitting around the campfire with the  campers and telling ghost stories.  Adam, the head counselor, told the last story for the night.  "Years ago at this very camp." He began "There was a young delinquent who stole all the chocolate from the camp store."  Everyone continued to listen except Smith who had heard it three years ago.  Adam continued "The delinquent ran into the woods taking the chocolate, some wood, and a pot he had stolen from the kitchen as well as some strange goo he found lying around."  Almost everyone was grossed out at the mere thought of taking random goo off the ground.  Adam resumed "He took all of the stuff he stole deep into the forest and prepared to torture a harmless little squirrel that had wandered into his clutches.  The chocolate at this point was boiling with whatever that goo was in it.  He dropped the squirrel in and then watched as from the pot arose a big, ugly blob.  The delinquent tried to run, but the monster was to fast.  It grabbed one of the delinquent's legs and ate him alive.  They say that the monster still lives in that forest attempting to eat any who enter its home.  The End."  With that Adam put out the fire as a blob appeared behind him.  The campers screamed and then the monster pulled of its face to revel that it was a prank.  Adam turned to the prankster and said "Nice try Harry, but you could at least try to be on cue.  When I said that line about the monster eating people is when you appear."  Harry gave Adam an sorry look and said "Okay sir next time I'll be ready before the line is given."  Adam said in response "No it was my fault for not giving you any lessons on this.  You are a new counselor after all.  Anyway you now the hill back in the forest where the shed in which we store the costume is located?"  Harry said "Yes sir." and marched off to put away the costume.  Once he reached the shed he turned the handle and walked in.  Suddenly a loud roar and a scream had awoken every camper in the camp.  Adam, who was now frightened himself said over the intercom "We will send two counselors to find the source of this noise and Harry."  After turning off the intercom he turned to two of his finest counselors and said "Terry, You come with me.  Kate, You're in charge until we get back.  Good Luck."   Kate watched as they left and said over the intercom "Okay seeing as no one can sleep why don't we listen to some nice music."  Kate turned off the intercom and said to the campers in charge of the camp's radio station "Okay you three, remember your cabin is the radio station and because of that you have to turn on music whenever I say so.  Just don't turn on loud rock music like welcome to the jungle.  Or songs that are not appropriate for the younger kids like Highway to Hell."  The three boys gave her a nod.  With that she left and the three boys turned on Pet Sematary.  Smith said to the entire camp "Hey campers are you ready to rock?"   Fred played the music after three seconds.  James who had only one job, which he did during the day because everyone else in the cabin was stronger and not as bright as him, and it was tuning the microphone so that Smith sounded just as awesome as he wanted to and Fred's music wouldn't be too loud.  James sat on his top bunk reading Pet Sematary while the song played.  Meanwhile in the forest Adam and Terry had found a costume lying on the floor in the shed.  Upon closer inspection Adam noticed the costume had blood on it.  Adam examined the floor as well and found an entire puddle of blood.  Walking outside Terry saw Harry hiding in a tree.  Terry decided to knock Harry out of the tree.  After two seconds he managed to get Harry out of the tree only to discover that he was dead.  Suddenly Adam felt something behind him.  A sticky something with a particularly gooey feel to it was behind him.  Adam screamed at the top of his lungs as the gooey creature plunged the carving knife from the shelf beside him through his heart. Terry heard the scream and went to check on Adam.  Terry saw the monster and grabbed a big knife from his pocket.  The monster had met it's maker realizing that Terry was the very same delinquent that placed it into the boiling chocolate the monster shed a tiny tear.  Terry saw the monster and noticed that it had cryed over its own demise.  Terry ran toward the monster at mach speed and yelled "I should have done this when I was younger!  Die foul beast and I hope I die as well for making you into such a creature.  I just wanted to take out my anger on the wild life.  I'm sorry, little squirrel for what I'm about to do and for what I've done."  And with those last words Terry ran at the monster and missed.  Now crying in fear Terry said "Please don't kill me l little sq squirrel.  I did not mean to harm you.  Please don't kill me I beg of you."  The monster moved the knife and stabbed it right through Terry's chest.  With his last breath Terry said "I don't wanna die.  I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.  Carry on, carry on because nothing really matters."  Back at the camp Bohemian Rhapsody was playing Fred, James and Smith all sang along.  Finally the monster traveled to the camp to end it all.  In order to cause the ultimate evil the squirrel who was seeking revenge on the human race traveled to the camp and killed the campers and the counselor.  The monster grinned as all who had caused him misery had died and yet the squirrel was not pleased and set off to cause more chaos.  The End or Is It


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