Saturday, January 1, 2011

Daddio: We Played the Most Evil Game Ever

Tonight, while Mommio and Marney are at the hotel, the older kids and I played Fred.  Fred is a simple game where you draw cards that have dares on them.  If you refuse to do a dare, you're out.  If you successfully do four of the challenging dares, you win.  Sounds easy, right?  Well, the first dare was that Gabe had to yell a rant at someone for a minute and then get his mouth washed out with soap:

I had to give the dog a long, affectionate lick down his fur:

Avery had to pick a player to cut a patch of her hair out:

Connor had to eat a spoonful of dogfood from Rex's bowl:
Gabe had to snort a pinch of salt up one nostril and a pinch of pepper up the other:

Connor had to let Ava style his hair with butter and jelly:

Mason had some simple dares, but then went out when the card said he had to tuck in his shirt and let me pour a glass full of ice and water down the back of his shirt, then sit in the ice the rest of the game.  When faced with the glass in the following picture, he bowed out before I could dump it:
Avery had to dance a ballet to classical music for three minutes:
I quit when my dare card challenged me to strip to my underwear and run around the outside of the house.  Gabe won his fourth challenge by dancing and getting applause.

Greatest game ever.


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