Friday, January 21, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The blog post you are about to read might make you vomit all over yourself and/or make you laugh so hard you pee your pants. Enjoy.

Pizza Ice cream

45,000 pieces of pepperoni
A unicorn horn (shake it and salt comes out the point)
Four cups guinea pig milk
One small jar of spicy pizza sauce
pixie dust (for sprinkles)
25 pounds of soy mozzarella cheese
A snowman (to pee out ice)
Spongebob Squarepant ( so I can have him bring me his pineapple house)
Ducks ( to throw up the bread that they have eaten)
Dad's book (to ad excitement to the flavor)

How to make it
1- Pour the guinea pig milk, pizza sauce and duck barf into a large bowl. Mix until smooth.
2- In an other large bowl mix together the pepperoni cheese, the snowman pee and Dad's book.
3- In a small bowl put in the unicorn horn salt, the pineapple house (you can add Spongebob if you like) and the pixie dust.
4- Put all the mixes of food in a blender together and blend until completely smooth.
5- freeze in the freezer over night.
6- Eat and enjoy


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