Thursday, January 13, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

One Terrible trip to the Grimm Lands
 By: Connor
Once upon a time in the real world tons of schools had started back up for the spring.  The children flocked in and out of school always having more homework than that of the previous day.  One popular eight year old girl named Jane was sitting with her friends a nerd named John, a jock named Fred, an average loser named James and a social outcast named Susan.  These strange friends were chatting about their next class which happened to be math class.  James decided to check out the math classroom for anything cool like swords.  Every one went with him just in case there was anything cool.  On the way to the classroom Fred would constantly run to the front of the group then the back.  John was using his calculator to do really hard equations over and over again.  Susan, who would steal any thing from anyone for a dollar, snatched the calculator and handed it to James who used it to type 0.7734 which upside down spells "hello"  and showed it to Jane.  Jane was happy and asked if she could mess with the calculator.  James told her sure and handed it over just before they reached the classroom.  In the classroom they saw a door leading to another hallway which they all went through and found themselves in a strange world.  A white rabbit appeared in front of them wearing a hat and fancy suit.  Just as the rabbit started hopping away a girl appeared and seemed to be chasing it.  The girl turned and said "Hi my name's Alice. What are your names?"  Everyone introduced themselves to Alice and Alice told them "I know the way out.  All you have to do is find a talking animal and they'll tell you."  Turning towards the white rabbit she said "Don't worry Mr. Floppy I'm coming.  I just wanted to greet a few kids who just got here."  Mr. Floppy as he seems to be named turns and says "Okay Alice but we're on a tight schedule and..."  Mr.Floppy paused as he looked at his watch "Oh my god I'm late, I'm late."  Alice and Mr. Floppy ran off towards a castle leaving the children to ponder as to what animal will assist them.  Suddenly a blue puppy, like the one on a show that only little kids watch, came up to the group of kids and said "I'll help you.  All you have to do is travel through the big bad wolf's hunting grounds."  the kids said their thanks to the puppy and then James asked "What should we call you little puppy?"  The pup replied "My name is Blue and that is how you should refer to me."  The kids set of and found a nice peaceful stream of water with the most romantic background.  Jane and James sat next to each other looking at the pretty sky.  James kissed Jane as they sat under the stars wondering if they'd ever get home.  Little did they know Blue was plotting against them and had already told the big bad wolf they were coming.  The following day James lead the group toward the hunting grounds.  He was sure that the big bad wolf was out for lunch when suddenly John herd a noise behind him.  The noise soon became a voice and said "Come on now.  I see you idiots.  If you want to go through here you have to face me!"  The group turned and saw the wolf looking at them.  James and everyone else fled while Fred stayed behind to fight off the big bad wolf.  After a few seconds they heard Fred scream as the wolf devoured him alive.  No one dared to turn back not after what happened to Fred so they ran into a  house made of candy.  A witch was hiding in there and fattened Susan up in order to make roast kid.  John, James and Jane escaped and they herd Susan scream as her head was chopped off.  The kids kept running and reached a mountain of terrifying height.  Atop the mountain was a sphinx and she asked a riddle which John answered wrong and attacked.  James and Jane were the only survivors and traveled to a castle housing an ugly queen with blood red hair.  The knights who all looked like poker cards were blaming Alice for the white roses around the kingdom.  James and Jane thought it best to escape before they were on trial.  They finally reached a kingdom of some kind and looked around.  Suddenly James was standing on a chess board as a pawn.  The king shouted pawn to D 2.  James moved to D 2 and heard the enemy king shout "Bishop to D 2 this instant."  The bishop moved and killed James in one swift sword slash.  Jane was now all alone in fear she ran and reached a castle filled with animals where a cat and singing dog ruled.  Jane told both animals their singing was wonderful which it was.  With that a door appeared and she entered the real world in which someone had lived her life for her while she traveled the alternate realm.  She realized that by returning to they real world made her age to twenty five years old.  She then went on American Idol and lost and started crying because she would never enter the alternate realm again and even if she did her friends would still be dead. The End


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