Friday, January 21, 2011

Daddio: 1/21/11 Blog of the Day

So what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Now imagine if you could make any flavor that you wanted.  Today, using the knowledge you got from your tour of Blue Bell, come up with a recipe for the most amazing, awesome flavor of ice cream you can think of.  Then give your ingredients list and give step-by-step instructions on how people can make your new ice cream recipe.

Don't worry about making sure you're technically correct on all the different steps.  What you should focus on is imaginative methods and outlandish ingredients to make the most fantastic ice cream ever invented.  For example, one of your steps may require a leprechaun to hug some love into a bag of sugar before the sugar is added-- that's okay.  Or maybe you need an abominable snowman to poop out crystal clear ice to use in an ice cream machine-- that's okay too.  You don't even have to use realistic (or even real) ingredients.  Want to include the tears of a sad clown instead of salt?  That's great.

Go crazy and have fun.


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