Monday, January 17, 2011

Connor: Family Meeting Min.

1. We need to read real books for DEAR. I'm reading Pet Semetary again.
2.  My leg is healing and I'm going to start doing more things without help.
3.  We are going on a trip to Colorado in July.  I'm really happy about that.
4. No mean things on the blog.
5. Daddio wants to play chess and logic games with us  more often.
6. Mason and Gabe have been helping a lot lately.
7. I've been in a great mood recently.
8. Kennedy is no longer acting like a baby.
9.Avery is happy that she got my room when I couldn't use it.
10. The logic games Nana got are good.  Gabe is happy to play them.
11. This is not going to be my job anymore.  Marney is taking this job so good luck Marney.


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