Friday, January 14, 2011

Mommio: Student Of The Week- Jack

We've decided to add a regular Friday blog post called Student Of The Week so that friends and family can see what the kids are learning/working on.  Each week one toe will write a post sharing some of their school work from the week and telling you whatever they want to share with you about their homeschool adventure that week.  We're starting off with Jack so I'll post for him...
Lately Jack has been working on a letter of the week with Nana, but he had a less structured school week this week since he was home with us in the mornings.  His newest obsession (and that is really the right word for it) is coloring.  He will sit for hours coloring with crayons or markers.  He really likes to color scrap paper that has typing on it.  He concentrates really hard and colors in each line of text.  It's really interesting to watch, although he doesn't want us to!
 He also worked in building towers, counting and sorting with math manipulatives this week.

 And he traced his name...over and over.


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