Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mommio: World Geography Unit Study

Last week we finished up our first two sections of the World Geography Unit (North and South America) by making some really cool South American rain sticks.  We bought large, white mailing tubes from the post office and the kids spent over an hour nailing long nails into them.  This is so that when the beans/rice run through the tube they hit the nails to make a better sound.  We learned that in South America they often use cactus thorns for this purpose.  Here they are nailing away, this was fun!

This is what it looked like on the inside of the tube after they finished with all the nails.
Then the kids painted the rain sticks. And we filled them with a few cups of dry rice and beans.

And here is what they sound like.  They really turned out cool and it was a very fun project! 

So, toes, now that we are taking a short break from this unit I'd love to know what you think about it so far. Write a comment telling me what you like the best and what you don't like at all about this unit.



I like answering questions! I don't dislike anything


I love for you to read the book and i love aertheing


I like learning about different places. Sometimes I don't like answering the questions because some of them are hard.


I love to go to all of the contannets I do not like to talk about the book because I like to lising to it

Connor The Potter Fanatic

Personally I prefer world geography to what we're doing now, but I love making characters for my book. I love learning the history of these countries. I dislike looking for answers. Smell Ya Later

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