Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Avery: Meeting Minutes

1- You have to put the cups where they go. IN THE RACK!
2- You can not bend the cups anymore because they will break.
3- Marney and Kiki... you can not write on the walls anymore.
4- Now that our bathroom is nice we have to take better care of it. We have to clean it and keep it organized.
5- You can not put any of your stuff in the empty cabinets anymore. Mom might need those.
6- We can also take baths in our bathroom now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7- Toes... we can not be loud at night or else we can not stay up late AT ALL!
8- Later this month Kiki and Marney are going go camping in the backyard. Try not to get eaten by bugs.
9- We are sadly not camping this Halloween.
10- We need to start reminding Mom an Dad about family movie on Friday.
11- Everyone read the blog this week! *Toes if you are reading this comment, post about how nice I am.
12- We now have to use tickets when we play Wii. After you play the Wii mom will take your tickets.
13- Everyone did an awesome job working in the garden! Soon we will eat free veggies (hehe).
14- Now we have to clean up at night.



Great list Avery. It's nice of you to write up the meeting summary so carefully.


Nice job Avery. You really can be nice, sometimes. Just kidding- you actually have been very nice lately.


Yeah I am Nice!


you are nice and awesome nice job ava


Avery you are nice. number one is wrong the cups go in front of the rack.

Connor The Potter Fanatic

Yeah Avery you are awesomely nice. Any way you FAILED Number one is wrong as Mason has told you and, and is spelled with a d on the end. In other words while you are nice your listing and grammar skills are not. Sorry try better next time please. Smell ya l8r p.s. If you noticed the bad grammar here you win a high five.

The Jones Family

you are really really really really really really really nice


You are so mean connor

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