Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Avery: Another Love Story

Puppy Love
By Avery
One day there was a dog named Spot. Spot was a two year old bull dog (14 in human years). Spot had no family. He was lonely and sad. Until... He spotted a Pomeranian pooch. She was wearing a pink sweater and had super fluffy fur. He walked up to her and stared into her blue eyes. He frowned and thought about how she wouldn't like him. Suddenly she licked Spots cheek. Spot blushed and started running around like crazy. Spot stopped and looked at her collar. It said Hello I'm Julie on it. He was happy to know her name. Spot ran home and wrote her a letter. The next day Julie found a letter at the park. It said...
Dar Julie,
It's me Spot. I mis u a lot. Com to my hous tonite. o and I hav bad hand writn.
From Spot
Even though it wasn't night. Julie chewed on her leash until it broke. She ran to Spot's house. When she got there she found Spot doing yoga. She started to join  him. After a year of dating... Spot and Julie got married.


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