Thursday, October 21, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

One day a girl named Lisa got in her mom's car and drove to her friends house. When she got there no one was there. Suddenly the door opened. It made a horrible creaking sound. It sounded like someone scratching a chalkboard. She walked inside looking around. Everything was dusty, old, and gross. Lisa looked to her left and saw a book in the air. It was just floating there... all by it's self.  When she looked away the book fell to the ground hard. Lisa panicked and ran up stairs. When she got up there she saw a woman just sitting down. She looked dead. Lisa walked up to her and grabbed the lady's cane. She poked her and nothing happened. She was dead! Lisa walked back a few steps and hit the wall. She felt something push her to the ground. She stood up and ran into her friends bedroom. She locked the door and hid under the bed. Suddenly... a rat came up to her. It tried to bite her face. He missed. She ran out of the house and stood outside. She saw her mom walking down the street. She ran up to her and started crying. Her mom stood and tried to cheer her up. Lisa turned around and looked at the house a second time. When she looked she saw a sign that said  that said... "Welcome to our house of horror and HAPPY HALLOWEEN (everything is fake)"
The End



I like your story, but I don't understand what it has to do with the picture.

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