Sunday, November 1, 2009

Avery: What I Did Yesterday

Yesterday was Halloween! When everyone was here we got to have our dinner, we had tacos. The Weavers and Miki's family was with us. When we had dinner we got to look at the art (We are having an art show!) I liked the pinch pots the most. Lily made a tea set! At 6:00 pm we did a recorder show. Lily and I played a song together, Mason, Gabe, Marney, Connor, and Kiki all played solos, and we all play two songs together. Later in the night we went trick-or-treating and got lots of candy! I really liked Lily's eyeball witch costume. After we went trick-or-treating we had too much candy! Late at night we told ghost stories, ate marshmallows, and played on the zipline. Then we slept in for a long time. I can't wait for the next Halloween.



We had the best time ever. I loved the recorder guys rock....

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