Friday, November 20, 2009

Avery: A Book Review

A Wrinkle In Time
By Madeline L'Engle

In A Wrinkle In Time a girl named Meg and her brother Charles go to a crazy world called Camazots. They got there on an old lady that can turn into a cool marble creature. In the middle of the book they meet a fluffy, huge, and caring monster called Aunt Beast. Aunt Beast was a finger shaped thing who did not know a lot at all about earth or anything on it. At the end Meg went to IT. IT is a giant brain that took control of Charles. The only way that Meg got Charles back was by telling him how much she loves him. The book was mainly about how they were trying to find their father. They found him in a glass room. Later on they finally got her dad out of the glass room. My favorite part of the book was when Meg had to use Mrs. Whatsit's glasses to see better. I love this book and I hope that other kids do too.



I may have to borrow this make it sound so interesting. Do you think I would like it?

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