Saturday, March 10, 2012

Phineas and Ferb: Triple Bladed Bulldozer

Hey- Daddio here!  Today, Gabe and I spent an hour and a half making a really cool triple-bladed snow plow with our awesome robotics kit.  This is the second to last robot in our instructions, and it was pretty complicated-- it used almost all of the parts that came with the kit!  You can see that we occasionally got stuck and had to try to figure out how to fit the pieces in:

But after we thought about it, we realized that the old proverb is true: if you're going to do a job right, then you need the right tool to do it:

But when he got frustrated, Gabe sometimes wanted to use the wrong tool.  Fortunately, I was able to talk some sense in to him:

When we finally completed it, we weren't sure exactly how we were supposed to use it.  I mean, we're not in construction, and we certainly don't know if you should use it to plow snow-- it never snows in Central Texas.  So for a long time we just sat and tried to figure out what it really did:

Finally, we decided that it worked best as a hat:

Okay, the truth is that we forgot to take pictures while we were making it.  We were just that excited about building this cool plow!  So we went back and took these pictures after the fact.  But the plow really looked awesome when it was completed:

And-- of course-- we had to take it for a test drive.  With the exception of a couple blown tires, the challenge drive went perfectly.  Here's the video of it:


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