Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marney: Civil War

     If the south won the war we would still have slaves, because the south wanted to keep the slaves.  Also if the south won we might of still have women working at home and men only having jobs. Because the south had people working at home too so I really think women would still stay at home.
     If Lincoln had not been killed he would still be the president for a while after the war.  He would be happy because the south did not win because there are no more slaves.  There would also be not crazy people that were sitting next to him when he got killed.  If he did not get killed he could of helped the country get back together.
     If England joined the war, the war would be much more worse because there would be more fighting.  I think that if the England won they wouldn't want slaves and would be begging people to go to their country.  But i think it would mess things up, and no one would like it.
     If there was tv in the civil war they would know what the weather is and the would not be bored at their camp. Then they would not be tried a bunch and they would be a bit happy. And the Gen. would be much more happy, but also mad because shoulders would be watching tv.
    I think the men and women would have no idea what they were doing. Since the women would be out on war fields and not at the house taking care of people and cleaning and all of that stuff they do not know what they are doing.  And the men would be at home instead of out in war fighting they would not know what to do.


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