Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Connor: Civil War Journal

If Dixie won the war slavery would still be in America.  We would also most likely be growing tobacco in the garden if the south won.  We would be getting all our appliances and electronics from the UK.  Finally Our first president as a nation would be Jeff Davis.
If Lincoln hadn't been assassinated he would start the reconstruction period himself.  He would probably have attempted to stamp out the Jim Crow Laws.  Grant would not be president for at least four more years.  Presidential security may not have improved.
If England joined the war the Union would be doomed.  We would probably end up fighting a second revolutionary war soon afterward.  All our fancy twenty first century appliances would be shipped to the south from England.  I'd probably have to wait an extra week for something I purchased on Amazon.  We'd be using British currency like pence.
If woman were fighting and men stayed at home women's rights would have started before the 60s.  Men would be fighting for their rights in the 60s.  Women would be paid for their service to the country.  Men would be nurses on the battle field occasionally.  Men would be most commonly used as spies while women would be in combat.
What if Ulysses S. Grant fought for the Confederacy?


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