Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Avery: Civil War What Ifs

If the south won the war there would be slavery.  But now, they would probably get into another war over it.  I don't think the Union would give up.  They probably would have gone to war again about 2-3 years later.

If Lincoln wasn't assassinated then the whole United States might be changed.  I'm not sure how, but it might have.  People might be happier, more sad.  Things that we have now might be changed.  Who knows, anything could happen if he lived.

If England joined the war there would be much more violence.  They would have joined the South and if they joined the South then they would have won the war.  And again I don't think that people would enjoy slavery that much.  It makes people really depressed to see them put to work 24/7.

If there was television children at home would play less and spend more time staring into the screen. People would be a little lazier.  When the soldiers were resting they would watch TV instead of sleeping.  Some people that thought it was dumb would just ignore it, but most people would enjoy it a lot.

I think that if woman were fighting in the war then they would have more power over things after that.  They would be able to vote a long time ago when they weren't allowed to.  If men stayed home and took care of the children I think they would give the children more knowledge on hunting and fishing and that type of stuff.   Also little girls would be more encouraged to follow their dreams.


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