Friday, March 30, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Modern Art- Futurist

Today in our Artistic Pursuits art class we studied a short-lived period in modern art, the Italian based Futurist movement.  From 1910 to the early 1920's a small group of Italian artists began creating pieces of work inspired by the new growth of cities and technology of machinery around them.  The Futurists did not have one style of art but instead created all styles of art based on the ideas of speed, motion and machines.  We learned a little more about the movement on the The Art Story website.  Then we took a closer look at one of the leaders of the Futurist artists, Umberto Boccioni.  We looked at a gallery of his work, including the painting that is considered to be the first Futurist work.
The City Rises, 1910
Today's project was to create futuristic looking foil sculptures- there weren't any really any rules, although I did give them some tips from our art book.  Here is what they all came up with...


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