Saturday, March 24, 2012

Connor: The Elven Chronicles: Volume 1: To Slay A Murderer: Chapter 1: The Quest Begins

          I was standing in the monster's lair.  It was dank, disgusting, dreary, and smelled like the dead.  It all started mere decades ago.  Fifty years ago I witnessed my entire family's death.  It was caused by something out side, something beyond our control.  Up until that point I was just an average Elf who ran a mystical item shop.  My parents thought it would be a good idea to give an elf of the age of one hundred the ability to run the family business.  For us elves one hundred years old is equal to seventeen years old for humans.  I had wanted to be a wizard, but my parents couldn't afford to send me to the special schools required.
   I was unable to assume the role I had wanted.  I almost ended up with the job of town fool as well, to make matters worse.  After my family died I had no connection to the other elves.  As any one in my position would, I ran away from town leaving behind my previous education and childhood.  I swore I would slay the beast that murdered my family.  It was no dragon attack that did it, no matter what the stupid politicians said.  Someone wanted my parents out of the picture and I wouldn't rest until I had my revenge.  I started my quest by leaving the forest in which the village was built.  I ventured toward the nearest human town and started inquiring at the bars.
   I soon had myself an adventuring party ready to help me smite my sworn enemy.  At the time I didn't know her identity or gender, but I had found some allies who had a bone to pick with her as well.  My partners in this were a human fighter, a Dwarf who was adept in alchemy, and a kobold ranger.  The human was named Heinrich, the Dwarf preferred to be called K I, we had no ability to pronounce either of his names so we called him by his initials.  The kobold was named Leo, most likely after the animal.  We started off sharing stories of why we were seeking revenge.  Mine actually seemed to make the most sense, ironically Heinrich was only trying to get revenge for the destruction of the public library.  It was ironic because Heinrich could barely write his own name, I was surprised he could even read in basic, Elven, and Draconic.  Leo was after some kidnapped hounds and slaughtered lions, how appropriate.  K I however wouldn't say what his quest was.
    Meanwhile she was planing her next attack on the Never Agreeing Kingdoms.  One would think that with all these peaceful groups the kingdoms would at least agree on something!  She was waiting for my arrival in general.  She had been planning a war with my race for sixty years, we found this out later.  The group stocked up on some much needed supplies and then we headed off for her Democracy.  The only thing that confused me was she was a tyrant and it was still a democracy which is almost as weird as kingdoms having a council meeting together in a civilized, nonviolent manor.  The first task was to get past a strange and unusual guardian being, a man with his five heads.  He at least told us that one head speaks truth the rest speak lies, quite ironic considering he could have been lying when he said that!  This concludes the tales of my exploits for tonight.



Glad you started a new series connor- can't wait for the next chapter!


Good stuff, dude. I'm immediately going to read the next chapter.

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