Monday, March 26, 2012

Mommio: Fairy Tale Journey Week 2

Forest of Fabled Creatures

You are carrying your three magical items.  You enter a deep, dark forest.  It is so quiet you can only hear your footsteps along the dirt path.  As you walk deeper into the woods, the sun grows dim and the forest grows deathly silent.  You walk along the path for what seems like hours.  You feel that you are not alone, but you never see another living creature.  Suddenly, you realize that it has become so dark that you have strayed off the path.  You look around for something familiar but realize that you are hopelessly lost.  From the wise woman's package you pull out two of your magical items.  With your courage and their magic you know you can find your way to the path once again.

Answer the following:
1. Which two magical items do you choose, and why do you choose them?
2. How do you use these items to help you get back on the path?

With relief, you see that you are back on the path once again, soaking up the beauty of the quiet forest.  You still feel that you are not alone, and you notice that a few of the trees around you look familiar.  Suddenly, you are surrounded by the trees that have come to life!  To your surprise, you discover that their roots have come out of the ground and are now shaped like feet.  Their branches have become arms with long, leafy fingers.  You stop and look at them with awe.  You have become surrounded by the legendary enchanted trees.  They step toward you and speak:
"You have come into our home.
We can see you are alone.
If you wish to pass through safely,
you must prove you can act bravely!"
Their voices boom in your ears, and the trees step aside to make a small opening, pointing to a clearing with their long, leafy fingers.  In the clearing you see a baby bird trapped high up in the branches of a breezle tree.  The bird is crying loudly for its mother, but it is at least 200 feet off the ground and surrounded by huge thorns and angry bees.  The enchanted trees look hopefully to you.  You realize you are their only hope for rescuing the baby bird.

Answer the following:
1. Describe your feelings when you first saw the enchanted trees.  Have your feelings changed now towards the trees?  How did your feelings chance once you realized the trees needed your help?
2. What do the enchanted trees look like?  Are they gentle-looking or fierce-looking?  What colors are their bark and leaves?  What do they feel like to touch?  Do they have any kind of smell?
3. How will you use your magical items to get the baby bird back safely to its mother?

You have proven that you are strong and brave, and the trees are grateful that the baby bird is safe.  To show their gratitude, they give you three of the berries that grow in the trisstle bushes.  Each of these berries has the power to make you invisible for as long as one hour.  The trees step aside to make an opening for you. A burst of sunlight greets your eyes as you step out of the Forest of Fabled Creatures.  You are ready for your next challenge.

* This Fairy Tale Journey can be found in The Beanstalk and Beyond by Joan M. Wolf. 


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