Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Avery: Fairy Tale Journey Week 1

  1. The woman seemed very nice and wouldn't hurt anyone even if she had to.  When she gave me the items I felt like I could trust her sometimes.  But, when she vanished, that really scared me.  She might be a witch, or a nice demon.  I think she is old for real because even if she's a witch or a demon, they live for a long time.
  2. The magic spoon is a shimmering silver with a dark handle.  It felt like a normal spoon, but it smelled like dark chocolate melting in the sun.  The Flute was made of wood, but not any wood.  It was enchanted, covered in pixie dust.  It was painted with little designs around the finger holes.  The cloak was in black but glittered in the sunlight.  Its hood was a bit big for my head but it might come in handy.  It felt silky and warm.
  3. The cloak is an invisible cloak that can block out sound.  When I put it on no one would notice me or hear me.  When I move I'm like a ghost and people can go through my body.  But I can't go through anything.  So if something were thrown in my direction then it would just go through me.  The sight in it is not the best.  It makes everything just a little blurry when far away.  The flute can tame any creature 10 feet tall or under.  I have to play the correct songs.  There is the song of joy, the song of sleep, and the song of control.  If I play the song of joy the monster will be sweet and happy with everything and live a great life.  If I play the song of sleep the creature would fall to the ground and sleep for 48 hours and then awake as it's normal self.  The song of control will paralyze the creature and I can take over its body for 1 minute only.  The spoon will help with food.  If I ever get lost and need food I just put the spoon in my mouth for a few seconds and it will fill my stomach with all sorts of food.


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