Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mommio- Art Class- Modern- Cubism- Picasso

In today's Artistic Pursuits class we continued our study of Picasso and Cubism by playing with a fun online program that lets you create your own cubist masterpieces. Here are some of the portraits they created with PicassoHead:  Max, Kiki, Marney, Gabe, Ava, Mason and Connor.

For our art project today we tried out another way to make a cubist portraits, using this lesson.  First the kids folded black construction paper in half vertically.  Then they made light pencil marks in the middle of the fold line, and in the middle of there and the top/bottom.  These marks are their guides for placement of facial features.The next step was to draw a facial profile line down the center of the page with a pencil.  The kids followed steps to do this: the top of the nose hitting the first pencil mark and the bottom of the nose hitting the middle mark, the chin hitting the third mark and then curving up to the edge of the paper and adding a neck line down to the bottom. Then they added the profile details with pencil (eye, eyebrow and finished lips).
On to the other half of the paper, they drew a frontal view of the face- making the chin, lips and neck lines symmetrical to the other side, then drawing in the eye details.

When the pencil drawing was complete the kids used black oil pastel to trace the pencil lines making very thick black outlines.

To finish off their cubist portraits they filled in the rest with color.

And here are the finished portraits...this was really fun!  Next time we learn about Picasso's assemblages (sculptures and 3D art created from found objects) and create one of our own.


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