Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Connor: Fairy Tale Journey Week 1

I.  I don't think any normal person would be carrying magical items.  I admit I feel suspicious that she isn't human, but I don't think she's a dangerous monster.  She was probably some sort of Fey like an elf or an imp the usual mystical creature.  These are most likely because they are humanoid beings and live for multiple centuries.  Knowing that elves and imps are liable to prank people I find her to be quite pleasant.
II.  The spoon is a small size.  The cloak is just my size.  The flute is smaller than the cloak and bigger than the spoon.  The cloak is black as night, the spoon is silver and the flute is a shade of yellow.  The flute is made of a bamboo like substance, possibly enchanted bamboo.  I wear the cloak on my back with the hood down.  I keep the spoon in one pocket and the flute in the other.
III.  The flute magically puts anyone who hears it into a deep slumber.  The spoon allows me to move silently and swiftly.  The cloak can change my appearance to disguise myself.  


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