Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kiki: Fairy Tale Journey Week 2

1.  I'm going to take the spoon because it will be easier to see where the path is because it can shoot lasers.  I am also going to take the magic cloak because it can make you fly.
2.  I will use the spoon to make light with the lasers and use it like a flashlight to see where I am going.  I will use the magic cloak to see the whole path from above.

1.  When I first saw the trees I was scared of them but then I wasn't because they needed my help and I helped them.
2.  The trees are scary, with green bark on them.  Their bark feels like macaroni and cheese mixed with rocks. They have big blue spots all over them and they have purple leaves.  They have a scary face and tiny bits of hair.  Their roots are not green, they are rainbow but the rainbow is all grey, black and white.
3.  I will get the bees away by using my laser powers to scare them away.  Then I will fly over to the bird and bring it to its mother.


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