Friday, March 2, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog 2

       I think that the U.S could help by not handing over any weapons at all in any way.  It would make thing way more worse and more violent there.  I think they could support the citizens with more medical supplies and ambulance cars.  Many people are being injured and killed there, so it would help out a ton if they did that.  Obama could talk to the president about whats going on, but I don't think that would make a big difference.  They seem to just want to kill people and do that until they stop protesting.  What they don't understand is that by killing people it's going to make them protest way more.
       I would agree that the situation in Syria is really bad right now.  But I don't know that many other countries should do to much about it.  My only thing I'm thinking is more medical supplies, doctors, nurses, etc.  Children are even being injured!  An other thing they could help with though would be food.  They are running out of bread really fast because all of their government is taking it.  My advice right now is to keep reporters out.  All we need there is about two; one to video it all and one to take pictures and send back a report about what is happening.


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