Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Avery: Fairy Tale Journey Week 2

1- I will choose the cloak and the flute.
2- I choose those items because I will use the cloak to go invisible and walk around the woods until I find a monster under ten feet. Then I will use the flute to control the monster and use his knowledge and keen sight to find the trail again. That way I will remain safe and without any harm.

1- At first they frightened me a little because they had hands and feet. But they were nice little (well, big) creatures. They wouldn't hurt a fly. How I knew they were nice is when they asked for my help. They were so scared that they would hurt the small baby bird.
2- They are scary looking. The arms that appear are the worst part. You think the are going to get you bad but they have leaves for fingers. Then I knew I was safe from that part. Their legs and feet were long and had the thickest bark I've ever seen in my life. Sap was spilling out of their mouths as they spoke. Their eyes were so tiny I couldn't see them. They probably had a hard time seeing. I bet they had to squint.
3- I was hungry and a little weak so I put the spoon in my mouth and tasted fried chicken covered in gravy. I felt much better, but it didn't help my slight thirst. The first thing I used was my cloak. I made sure no one could here or see me. I climbed up the tree making no sound possible and grabbed the nest. My hands slipped for a second when I grabbed it. On my way down my hands became covered in sap that smelled like apple cinnamon. I slipped and fell to the ground still making no noise because of the cloak. I caught the nest in my hands and took off my hood.


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