Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Modern Art- Assemblage- Picasso

Today in our Artistic Pursuits class we learned about Pablo Picasso's assemblage art.  Assemblage art was a very new idea in the early 1900's- Picasso, and other artists, started to take apart the rules of sculpture in the same way they had changed the rules of painting.  Assemblage art is any art put together using mixed media and found objects, it can be a sculpture or a 3D form.  We took a look at one of Picasso's first famous assemblages which was made of sheet metal.
Guitar, 1914
Pablo Picasso
Assemblage art was also becoming popular in America during this time and was known as Folk Art.  We studied a work by Clark Coe made of scrap wood, metal and string.
Man On A Hog, 1890
Clark Coe
The kids all made their own assemblage pieces today using paper cups as the base.  They glued on folded cardstock, buttons, straws and other found objects to create a sculpture they liked.

Next they painted the entire assemblage with a thick coat of gesso and let it dry.

After the gesso dried they painted their sculptures using acrylic paints.

Here are their magical creations!


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