Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog #2

   The Case of the Missing Nuke 
By Mason
     Hi, my name is Jon and this is my first case.  I have to find a missing nuke.   The nuke was stolen from the museum and I have to find it.  If I can not find it some one will activate it and destroy the world.  I went to the museum where the nuke was stolen and I talked to the manager to see if he knew who took it but he did not.  I looked around the whole museum and I saw "FM" carved in the wall.  I checked the files to see what "FM" meant and I found a file with "FM" on it, I looked at the files and "FM" meant Freemasons.
     The files said that they are in an old factory.   I knew where it was and got in my car and drove there.  When I got there I heard voices, it was the Freemasons and they were talking about their plans.  They planned to use the nuke to blow up the world and use their robots to build a new world.  I tried opening the door but it was locked.  I shot the lock and kicked the door opened.  The Freemasons sent their robots to kill me.  I shot all the robots, the Freemasons activated the nuke.  I have fifteen minutes to disarm it.  As it counts down I open the back and cut the blue wire and that disarms it.
     I turned around to arrest the Freemasons but they were gone.  When I left the factory, people cheered for me and celebrated.  But I dis not, because the Freemasons got away and they could do the same thing again.  To be continued...  


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