Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

      Nagasaki was hit by an atomic bomb on the ninth of August 1945.  The bomb was dropped by the United States.  The bomb was supposed to do more damage than the bomb that hit Hiroshima.  Fat Man, the bomb used on Nagasaki, was a plutonium bomb.  The second plutonium bomb to be used, as a matter of fact.  The first was tested in New Mexico.  This bomb, being a plutonium bomb, was meant to cause a lot of damage and had other negative effects on Nagasaki.
   The atomic bomb had caused a lot of damage to the city.  It also killed several thousand people when it blew up and after it had blown up.  The total death count was about 73,884 and the number of people injured was 74,909.  Several thousand people died afterward of radiation caused illnesses and diseases.  Buildings were destroyed and it left the city in a bad state.  It was an example of the problems with nuclear powered warfare.
     The government of Japan had protested the bombing on the tenth.  They had to rebuild the town and added new buildings to the original.  They built an atomic bomb museum and left the gate at the entrance to Ground Zero as it was.  Some of the torii, traditional gates, were destroyed and a few were left on one leg.  As stated before some of the people died from radiation.  The town was left in shambles and was rebuilt.
         The town has many monuments in memory of those who the bomb killed.  The city is now famous as an example of what nuclear warfare is capable of.  The town is still a port city, as it was before it was nuked.  Many towns in the same district became part of Nagasaki.  The city has partially recovered from the disaster, as far as building damage.  As for the people, some citizens still have radiation related illnesses caused by the bomb.
         Fat man's detonation caused a lot of damage to the city.  Since and because of the city's destruction and the deaths of so many innocent citizens, nuclear warfare is now outlawed by the Geneva Conventions.  After the detonation of these atomic bombs there has not been any attacks on other cities involving atomic bombs or other nuclear weapons of mass destruction.  There are now atomic bomb museums in Japan and documentaries on the cities and the lab in which the bombs were created.  The Japanese government has repaired most of the city.  Nagasaki has thus become one of the most famous cities in the world.


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