Monday, August 27, 2012

Avery- Weekly blog #1

       Freemasonry one of the oldest and biggest fraternity organizations.  A fraternity is a group of men who get together because there are things they want to do in the world.  There are things they want to do "inside their own minds".  They all get along and understand and respect each other.
       There are many Freemasonries all over the world.  A Masonry lodge is a public organization of masons. Masons are men who feel good about themselves and want to make a change in the world to help themselves and others.  No one knows how long Freemasonry has been around.  But we do know they were in the middle ages.  There have been old castles found that were built by the masons a long time ago.
       Freemasonry spread really fast from Britain to America.  In 1731 when Franklin joined Masonry it started spreading everywhere much faster than normal.  Many of our founding fathers have been Masons.  For example, George Washington was a Mason when he got a bit older.
       Some will ask if Masonry is an education.  It actually is.  Schools were held at some of the lodges of some of the Masons a long time ago.  You learn how to take on responsibility for your own life and actions.  And that no matter what happens, weather its good or bad, you have to keep yourself under control.  You also learn some other small and big things at their schools.


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