Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gabe: Blog Post 1

     The Freemasons are a secret society of men.  Now there are 6 million Freemasons in the world.  There are 2 million in the United States.  They also have a Freemason plaque.  To gain entrance to a meeting you have to use a special hand shake or gestures.
       Benjamin  Franklin and George Washington were both Freemasons.  It started in the thirteen hundreds.   The first level is apprentice, that is right after you join.  Then when you are learning you are in Fellow Craft.  When you are a master Freemason you are a Master Mason.
     Being a Freemason is not a religion.  They let religious people be Freemasons. In Scandinavia they only let Christians be Freemasons.  They donate a lot to charity.  They all wear the same uniform.
      You have to be 18 or older to join the Freemasons.  You have to be a man to join the Freemasons.  You have to be freeborn to join the Freemasons.  They named a flower, the Forget-Me-Not flower.  No women are allowed to be Freemasons.    


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