Saturday, August 11, 2012

Connor: Elven Chronicles: Volume 1: To Slay A Murderer: Our Heroes Embark

After we left we traveled for five hours.  By that point everyone wanted to relax and prepare camp.  Not long after we set up for the rest of the day, a pale man in noble garb walked up to us.  He said "Hello there.  I am Harold from an empire in the distance."  He grinned at us and I saw some very sharp incisors, most likely used to puncture humanoid flesh.  I noticed that Harold wasn't protecting himself from sunlight, but he wasn't completely embracing it either.
  I said "Well Harold we are looking for a dwarf, about yea high.  Maybe you could tell us if you've seen him or you could give us some physical assistance."  He smiled and I thought to myself this guy probably wants something in return for this deal.  He simply nodded to me and I asked "How many people here can read my mind.  I want some privacy in my own head sometimes!"
   Harold only said "I can help you in both ways, but it requires a form of payment.  I can tell all of you are rather rich.  Especially you, Elf, in what I desire.  All I want is a bit of blood, or an entire soul, from a partner of your choice."  Harold looked as though he had done this several times and was looking rather thirsty.  The vampire said "Make your choice already or I will kill you all!"  Frightened by this threat we gave him the one who needed their blood least.  Harold drank Heinrich's blood and then complained about the god awful taste.
  Suddenly he told us to take a nice long trip toward the west.  When we tried to thank him he told us to go away and said his last name was Alucard.  We stayed camped out all night long and each of us took shifts to keep vile beings at bay.  While I was on shift Amy had been sitting by the fire, she couldn't fall asleep, and we discussed the meaning of life.  Which was ironic, considering I had already died.  After Amy fell back to sleep Harold came back and said "You idiots! Prepare to lose all your blood, except for the extremely stupid one."
  Harold had an entire army of vampires with him.  We had a bunch of stakes and garlic and crosses.  Amy had cast a spell that slew the undead.  I stabbed Harold through the chest with a stake, but missed the heart entirely.  Heinrich was asleep and was slain by vampires, unfortunately.  Leo, on the other hand kicked vampire butt.  After the vampires were dead we mourned the loss of one hero, although Leo was the only one who liked having him around.
      Eventually we came to a town that had been overrun with vampires, until last night.  The townspeople thanked us by letting us stay at the local inn.  There we recruited our sixth party member known as Danny.  Danny was a local half-elf who wanted to save the world.  She had heard of our exploits and decided we were better than most adventurers.  I could tell from the way she acted that she had a crush on me, but I was more interested in Princess Amy.  We now had our normal number of party members and this time no idiots.


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