Friday, August 24, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog #1

     What happened at Nagasaki was there was an atomic bomb, it exploded and killed 40,000 people and 70,000 people died after the bomb.  It destroyed a lot of  houses and buildings.  The US were the ones that dropped the bomb.  They did it because they were at war, it was in World War II. They gave Japan a chance to surrender but they refused to surrender.

     After the bomb they rebuilt Nagasaki and made a museum.  They also made sculptures and parks as monuments.  Nagasaki  is now a busy city with almost 500,000 people.

     The total death count was 73,884 people.  Some of the deaths were from radiation sickness and from the bomb.

     Some people are still sick because of the radiation from the bomb.  Some of the effects are some loss of white blood  cells, nausea, vomiting, headache, hair loss, and damage to nerve cells.  


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