Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

       It all started one day at work.  I had just gotten a new assignment, to find the truth about history.  I was bot number 9873, Cesar.  My boss was also my inventor and mechanic.  I was one of many robots, built to look and sound like an average human.  I was able to change the color of the rubber that was my skin at will.  We robots got payed a good deal to do jobs for humans.  The year was 7012 and we didn't know much about the past.  I started out as a detective solving mysteries for humans and bots alike.  The armored shell that resembled human clothing could be changed just by a slight computation.
      My boss called me into his office.  "Cesar I just invented a time machine.  Go back in time and find the truth about the history of humans."  The sound of excitement in his voice was overpowering.  I walked in, took a glimpse at the craft and got in.  "I will send you to the Neolithic times first, use your translating device in your computer chip to translate what the people of that time are saying.  This will allow you to communicate with them."  With that he pressed a few buttons on his high tech, but not as high tech as me, computer.  I heard the time machine's engine start and saw a flash of light.  Before long I was in the neolithic, a time long gone,  I changed my armor to a loincloth to fit in with the people.  I noticed a few of them started to plant things and after a few centuries there was civilization.
      I had recorded all that I had seen with a digital document.  I waited for a while before I got into the machine and went to Egypt.  My master must have done something because I had no control over the machine at all.  I was now wearing a cloth outfit instead of a loincloth.  I hid the machine somewhere no humans would find it.  As I walked into the city I noticed strange ships over head.  UFOs were dropping off humanoid aliens in Giza.  These beings called themselves Freemasons and had made the people build the pyramids.  Soon the aliens were gone and I met Pharaoh Ramses II.  Ramses II was an average pharaoh, meaning he ruled over his kingdom with an iron fist.  We played a few rounds of Senet, until Ramses got upset because "no one should defeat the pharaoh at senet."  That's a translation of his exact words and as such a got into the time machine before Ramses II tried to have me put to death.
             The next thing I knew my armor became a toga.  My computer chip knew of only to time periods where people mostly wore togas.  Greece or Rome was my next destination.  I assumed I was going to Rome, seeing as Egypt and Greece were at the same time.  Rome was later into Egypt's history than Greece.  When I stepped out of the machine I saw the Roman public.  Of course the machine was hidden again, but I still saw the citizens.  I looked up toward the area that would house the emperor, Julius Cesar at this time.  I looked, but couldn't see him.  Suddenly I realized that I had a wreath around my head, the type that emperors of Rome wore.  I saw the Freemasons again and this time they claimed I was the emperor.  I ruled over Rome until the time Julius was supposed to die and returned to the year 7012 the second after I had left.  I told my master "It is done.  I chronicled every event in human history exactly as it happened.  The Freemasons were behind everything!"  That's when the meat-bag chuckled and said that I was outdated and it was all a plan to get rid of me.  Taking offense at the fact that he lied to me, I shot him in the heart with an arrow.
  As my meat-bag adversary lay dying on the floor he said "Et tu Cesar?"  A Latin phrase coined by Shakespeare with the man in question being Brutus.  With that the meat-bag died and I was labeled a murderous psychotic robot and was deactivated forever.  That is how my journey ended.


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