Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gabe: Blog Post 2

The Goddess of Control
By Gabe
     Thousands of years ago a pebble fell into sand and a grain of sand stuck to it and that fell in a pond and created the Goddess of Control.  The Goddess of Control was happy she had the the whole world.  She could control anything.  Anything but one thing, time was the one thing that she could not control.  She had 3 out of the 4 crystals.  She had the Earth one, the water one and the air one.  But she did not have the time crystal.
     You have to be the best, most truthful god in the world to get the time crystal.  So she started creating men, some were nice and some were mean until she got to Thrash.  Thrash was very nice but also very strong.  Everyone was happy.
     Everyone started building and having fun.  She created some animals.  She also made a castle.  They made a nice town.  Thrash just left to go get the crystal.
     Everything was very good until this happened.  Everyone started rebeling because they wanted her powers.  Everyone just pulled out knives, ready to stab her.  Right before a man stabbed her, Thrash threw the crystal and she caught it and stopped time.  She changed the gods into people and put them on earth. She and Thrash stayed gods.


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