Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post #2

Freemasonry Behind it All
By Avery Jones
       One day there was a woman named Nicollette.  She was in her early 30s and was a detective.  Not the most fun type of detective though.  She had to do a lot of fighting.  She wasn't the biggest fan of hurting people, but she would do it if she had to.  She would have the hardest cases with very violent people.
       One time she had a case to find out who was building the robot presidents.  She didn't know exactly what to look for; a person, place, or thing.  She wasn't exactly sure.  But she never gives up.  She looked at the files they had about every single president.  Something was the same about them.  She knew it.  She looked at all the photos of the wires inside.  Every single robot had an M carved into the blue wires.
       She looked in the news and at more files in the M cabinet.  There was one on the M factory.  It was what she was looking for.  She found the directions and drove all the way there in her invisible car.  She found an old shut down building with a torn in half sign that said "M for FreeMasonry!"  She had heard of freemasonry and had heard of the crazy things the Masons had done.  She went inside the building and looked around.  It was a giant empty room with blue paint on the walls.  She looked around and found three doors.
       Nicollette picked the first door and opened it slowly.  It was a bathroom with a toilet, sink and a small shower.  She saw nothing and went onto the next door.  Inside was board games like Monopoly and The Game of Life.  She laughed a little and opened the last door wide opened thinking it would be a closet of card games.  It was an other room.  It was three times bigger than the first room.  And in that room were robots.  Celebrities and presidents, even the Scooby gang all turned out to be robots.  It was figured out.  The masons created all the robots!  She grabbed the head of Shaggy and started walking out.  Suddenly a giant robot gozilla came after her.  The head of the robot she carried had set of a trigger.  She ran for a minute and then tripped over a board game.  The godzilla picked her up and ate her.
       4 months later the new detective came and discovered her body ripped to shreds on the floor next to godzzilla. He took her notes and reported the dead body.


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