Monday, August 20, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post #1

       In the end of December 1945 something terrible happened.  There was an atomic bomb that went off in the the city of Nagasaki, Japan.  It killed and injured many, many people, destroyed thousands of houses, Destroyed a lot of land, and gave diseases  to people.  It still leaves a mark on the town and the people today.
       Before the A-bomb the population of Nagasaki was 240,000 people.  After it 73,884 were killed and 74,909 were terribly inured.  It also damaged and destroyed 18,409 houses.  That means it destroyed 36 percent of the houses there.  Another thing the atomic bomb did was give many people a sickness that they called "Atomic Bomb Disease".  They got it from the heat rays and radiation.
       Basically it destroyed most of Nagasaki, Japan.  Many people had to be rushed to many hospitals and lots of poor people had to fin new places to live.  Lot's of the hospitals were destroyed so there were people  being taken to medical colleges and schools to be fixed up.
       Today People still suffer from the "Atomic Bomb Disease".  The town made a little exhibit about it.  With old pictures from the explosion, lot's of information about it, and people that will tell you all they know about what happened.


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