Friday, August 24, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post 2

     The people are all nice, some of them do not get along but most of the time they all do.  They are all rushing to get the last makeup sample in the store Say Ahh.  It is all a mistake, people are mad at each other because they think that they will not get it.  They all have different clothes on and the guys want to go to the sport stores and the girls want to go to the clothes store.
     The weather is in a bad mood and wants to rain.  It is cloudy and it is thundering.  It just finished rainning and it is all foggy.  It is 80 degrees out and it is about to storm. There is a pretty rainbow up in the sky.  It is terrible weather and the clouds do not like it.
     The road is crowded and there are no red lights.  It was just repaved and the fog is blocking the way for the cars to see.  The road smells weird and there are tons of coke tops on it.  The road makes a plus sign and it has tons of taxis on it.  People are walking everywhere and cars are driving everywhere.  


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