Sunday, August 5, 2012

Marney:Weekly Blog Post 1

     The tallest building in London is the Shard, also known as the London Bridge Tower.  The Shard is 309.6 meters tall.  It became the tallest building on March 30, 2012.  The Shard opened a month ago and had a laser show for the opening.  It is the tallest building and is right next to the London Bridge.
     The London Bridge has been standing for 2000 years.  The London Bridge is about a sixth of a mile long.  A bunch of movies are made on the London Bridge.  Ever year they celebrate when it is the day of the London Bridge's birthday.  About 40000 people go over the London Bridge daily.
       British Museum has a free entrance and has a bunch of things from prehistoric times in it.  The whole roof is a sky light.  There are a bunch of mummies in the building.  The mummies have had 5.8 million visitors in this year so far.  It is open daily and it opens at 10 o'clock.
     The Big Ben is the big bell in London.  They ring the bell sometimes but not much.  The big bell is not very famous, what is is the tower the big bell is in.  The tower is very old and it is pretty.  At night they have big lights in the tower that light up.  


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