Thursday, August 30, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post #2

Freemason Killer 
By Marney 
     One day there was a man that lived in Russia and that man who knew the Freemasons.  He had a case to work on.  The news was spreading everywhere in the newspaper it was breaking news on the weather channel.  They were all saying that a waiter found a dead body in a trash can but with a unicorn horn stabbed into his brain.  No one knows who killed this man or if he killed himself.  So everybody is trying to find out what happened.
     So then the man went out on a walk heading towards the Freemason's places.  Not one of them knew anything about a murder, they all thought that he was making it up.  But then when he got to the last one, the last one knew about the murder.  But he did not know who killed him or what happened, just like everybody else.  But he was talking in a high pitched voice and when they talk in high pitched voices they are lying.  So they talked and he did not know who killed him, but he knew what happened.     
     Then the guy thought for a few seconds, but what the Freemason said made no since because if he knew what happened then he would or should know who killed him.  Then he did some research and found out that the Freemason killed the the guy while riding a unicorn and holding 3 doves.  Then the guy got put in jail and the man was a hero.  Everyone was happy because there was no one that was getting killed for a while.


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