Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

There are people of every race.  People are walking to and from the various stores and shops.  Lots of men and women all walking to some place or another.  Thousands upon thousands of people wearing bright flashy colors as if in a modern Da Vinci painting.  The crowd is full of adventurous people going off to try something new or returning from trying something new.
    There are big bright yellow taxis driving toward their destination.  Hundreds of vehicles of one brand or another.  There are Fords, Old fashioned automobiles, Mustangs, convertibles and any other car or brand of car that come to mind.  The cars range in colors from blues to reds to fabulous purples and every other color of the rainbow.  There are American built cars, European cars, Japanese cars all in one place.  There are old out of date cars and new hybrid cars.
     There are stray dogs and feral cats running about.  Positively perfect poodles being walked by their pompous "parents."  There are kitties and puppies in purses being carried about by their owners.  There are deer attempting to cross the road.  There are bulldogs and tomcats barking and hissing at each other.  There are gators escaping from the sewers and hungry for food.  There are rats and other little rodents rampaging about.


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