Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gabe: Blog of the Day 1

     Before the tragedy, Nagasaki, Japan was just a normal big city.  The population was 240,000.  It is always at a nice temperature. It was a BIG city. It was like this at least until this.
     The USA did it in World War 2. It was a Nuclear bomb.  There where really two bombs. One was named Fat Man (he was the biggest). The other was named Little Boy ( He was the smallest).  They were both dropped in the beginning of August in 1945. 
     Fat Man was a plutonium bomb.  It weighed 11,000 pounds.  Little Boy was a Uranium bomb. It weighed 10,000 pounds.  These bombs put off a lot of radiation.
     The bomb really affected the area. The water is still unusable because of radiation in the water. The parts of the land that have radiation on them can not have things planted on them for a long time. After the radiation particles go away plants will grow there again! The  radiation killed a bunch of animals. 
     90,000 thousand people got killed during this.  It distroyed a bunch of buildings. There are lots that were sick. There are over a million people in Nagasaki today. Nagasaki some day will become a nice place again.


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