Friday, December 31, 2010

Daddio: Marney is in the Office!

Because Marney's birthday is next week, she wanted to have her first day to come be with me in the office.  She's quickly discovering how boring it is to hang out with Dad while he does his lawyer stuff.  But she says she's having a great time, especially since she started (and finished!) a Junie B. Jones book.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gabe: one day

Tomorrow we will start the week of fun.  Marney is going with dad to work, mom is going shopping for the food,we will be getting ready for that night, that night we will have a feast, do new years resolutions, watch buffy and watch horror movies. we are busy that night but it will be really really really FUN!

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

The countdown to fun is over....just one day left.
And the very best thing about the staycation is that we get to have Daddio home for nine straight days!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mommio: New Pictures

Check out the new September and October photo albums on the left.  Think we might catch up on pictures before the New Year?

Mommio: Merry Christmas To Me!

I've been talking about upgrading to a new Kindle for a long time now and for Christmas Daddio surprised me with the latest version.  I LOVE it!  And of course he loves his new (old) Kindle too.  Here they are, cute huh? 
But the very best thing about my Kindle is what's on it, check out the first thing on my book list-
Yep- that's right...Daddio's book is on my Kindle!!!  Here's the title page...Hey- Daddio, I just noticed that the apostrophe is in the wrong place on your title page...might want to change that.
And a peak at the beginning of Part One-
This is cool.  Makes you want to just go out and buy your very own Kindle, huh?

Mason: Chinese

Today for Nana's alone Nana day we went to China Kitchen for lunch. I liked the fried shrimp and the sweet and sour chicken and the fried wonton and for a drink I had pepsi.

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Just 2 days until the staycation!  The kids have all asked that I read to them everyday during the week so we are going to try to finish a few books we've been meaning to read.  Here are the three books we're going to read next week:

The Toes: Happy 60th Birthday Nana!

 Sixty Things We Love About Nana
1. She goes places with the little kids on Mondays.
2. She's the best teacher's aide on the planet.
3.  Coke and candy!
4.  She lives right across the street.
5. Nana plays with us.
6.  That she loves us all even though we are constantly getting her sick.
7.  Nana is always there for us the moment we need her, no one else in the world can walk in and instantly take over our house of toes as we rush off to the hospital with Connor.
8.  Alone Nana Days rock!
9.  She lets us come to her house whenever we want.
10.  Her pully skin.
11.  She lets us dress up in her clothes, jewelry and makeup.
12.  She doesn't have many rules.
13.  She gave birth to our big headed Daddio!
14.  Nana always wants the best for us, and even when she isn't sure about our plans she always supports us.
15.  The lake!
16.  She always welcomes our friends like they are just another toe.
17.  She knows what each one of us likes and doesn't like.
18.  Nana is the mighty school supplier!
19.  She's always getting new stuff and giving us her barely old stuff.
20.  She wants us to have even more babies.
21.  Nana overdoes everything, in a good way.
22.  She sings and dances with us.
23.  We get to see Nana at least 15 times a day.
24.  Field trips!
25.  Nana was willing to go on a 24-hour drive with us in Vango to camp in the desert for a week, 
in a tent...with scorpions and rattlesnakes!
26. When we're feeling sad, she likes... LET'S GO SWIMMING!
27. Our love for her grows... and grows... and grows.
28. What other grandmother plays Wii with their grandkids on a regular basis and gets her butt kicked?
29. Dancing always seems to be an interesting mixture of holding her arms over her head and shaking her butt.
30. Two words: Little Debbies.
31. She'll swim in the chlorinated pool, even at the risk of turning her hair green.
32. She'll read to us, even when she can't find her glasses.  It always makes the stories interesting.
33. Only Nana can sew up our stuffed animals the right way.
34. Early morning walks and naming all the dogs in the neighborhood.
35. Only Nana can make pajama pants into a weekend-long outfit.
36. She has the coolest fishtank in the entire world.
37. She's not scared to sing in front of us.
38. She makes the best deserts.  Pizza pan, chocolate chip cookies is its own food group.
39. She laughs at our jokes even when she doesn't understand them.
40. Her television is big enough to be a breakfast table.
41. Need chicken noodle soup?  Nana's got it!
42.  Nana gives us money for Christmas so we can go on vacations.
43.  F is for FUN!
44. Jack says...she let's me watch her go pee.
45. She is so good at taking care of sick people.
46. Max says...I like her to watch me play Cosmic Family.
47. When we used to live far away, Nana was still a huge part of the kids lives and used to even send packages to go with our weekly preschool themes.
48.  Nana's favorite present to get always involves pictures of the grandkids.
49.  She loves it when we're messy!
50.  Nana has bought Connor every Pokemon game known to man...just to get him through all the surgeries.
51.  Nana is awesome with the sewing machine.
52.  Gabe says...she taught me to crochete.
53. She makes a great feast!
54.  She tells funny jokes.
55.  Nana takes ALL the kids to movies.
56.  Pancakes!
57. Nana got us a zipline and she has the coolest backyard ever.
58.  Nana lets us do archery at her house.
59.  She lived through a hurricane with us.
60.  She has the best grandchildren in the world!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Connor: Wii Night

Hey toes. Wii Night went well tonight.  Wii had fun playing Medal of Honor most of the night.  I enjoyed a pokemon battle against Chase.  We played smash bros brawl as our favorite characters.  Chase brought snacks that everyone loved.  All in all Wii night kicked butt tonight and I can't wait till next time when we play poker.

Daddio: Title Changes

I think we need to consider changing everyone's title in the family.  While I still think I'm "The Comedian," I want to change my title to "The Author."  You toes should think about whether you want to change your titles too.

Daddio: Cool Snow Flake Pictures

I just read this article on about some scientists that looked at snowflakes under an electron microscope.  The pictures were pretty cool and I thought you toes would like them.  Check it out.

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

 Getting closer...3 more days until the staycation and our family outing to see the new Yogi Bear movie!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Connor: Doom Chapter 9: Hades' Grudge

Some of the gods came to speak to Hades again.  This time Persephone gave me orders not to allow a god or goddess other than herself and Hades into the underworld.  The gods who stopped by to day were annoying.  Zeus, god of the sky, and Poseidon, the relentless and careless god of the seas, had come to see Hades.  I was ticked off at their presence,  this being because they were the ones who brought about my death.  Zeus gave me a look that said "I am superior to you in every way."  Zeus only pretends to like mortals, I could tell from the frown on his face as he passed by.  The titan that created us exiled and fed eternally to vultures as we are cursed by his brother's girlfriend opening the jar.  Poseidon told me of your travels and how much he hates you.  By insulting you and me Poseidon also insulted the rest of the Greek army.  Perseus, a new guard despite being here before the war, was upset to see Zeus, his godly father, here in the realm.  We tried to hold the gods back, but Zeus flew above us and Poseidon evaporated.  The next thing I knew Hades came towards me and said "Nice try, but nothing will keep Zeus out.  As for Poseidon, He can be stopped by a cauldron over a flame and a simple spell."  with that Hades handed me a scroll with a spell called "Liquidus Reformus." This was sure to turn Poseidon back into water until he vowed to leave and never return.  I dread the coming of the next god to discuss important matters with the master.  My friend you have made such a mistake that it may have doomed my future.  Why did you blind the cyclops, you unruly idiot?  Could you not sail back to your kingdom without running into the big oaf?  Oh, well either way I am doomed.  Poetry time:  "The night is black." Orpheus said in misery. Later he met the king of the dead.  "Sir give me my love and when I die you shall have my head"  "You must never look back" Hades replied as he released Eurydice.

Kiki: My New Baby Doll

On Christmas I got a new baby doll.  I like the doll.  I got it from Grandma and Grandpa and I like to play with it a lot.  And I made a room for her with Marney.  And I have diapers for her.  And I named her Cindy.  She is fun to play with.  I took pictures of me, Marney and Gabe with the doll.

Mommio: Dad's Book!

After six months of hard work Daddio's book is finished and I edited the very last section today so we are ready to have the first copy printed!
Thanks Daddio for writing such a beautiful book for us...Abbie, Lodan, Ferris, Frankie, Munch, Kira and the rest will forever be a part of our family now.

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Just 4 days until  the staycation!  While we are at home we'll take a day to do some fun and messy science stuff with Daddio, including building with jello cubes.  Cool.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Five days to go until we start our vacation!  On Monday the 3rd (Marney's 8th birthday) we'll be having a Crazy Park Day.  
 We'll hit three different parks and do all the things the toes want to do: play baseball, fly kites, ride a train, letterbox, picnic, geocache, throw frisbees and lots more!

Mommio: Our Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and over at the Jones house they were busy getting ready for Santa's arrival by sprinkling some reindeer food on the front yard, hanging the magic key so Santa could get in (no chimney here) and making pigs-in-a-blanket to leave out for Santa's treat.

Off to bed we went...but not for long, we were up bright and EARLY to open our presents and stockings, make homemade donuts, and give Nana and Popo their Christmas gifts.

Then we had a little down time check out our new stuff, play some new games and Skype with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Chris.

To end our day we dressed up in our new clothes and went to Nana and Popo's house to have a big feast with them and Uncle Daniel, and we also watched a magic show put on by Gabe and Daddio.

Thanks to all the toes and extended toes for making it such a great Christmas...despite all the coughing, snot and fevers going on here!

Mommio: Mason's A Teenager!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Even though it seems like we are having more fun than possible only 6 more days our family vacation starts and it will be fun, fun, fun around the clock for nine days straight!  Including a family campout in Nana and Popo's backyard- complete with ghost stories and roasted marshmallows.  Start thinking of scary stories now!

Daddio: Merry Christmas!

Despite running a high fever all last night, I'm feeling a little bit better today, and Jack and Max seem to be feeling better too.  Avery, Gabe and Jenny seem completely recovered, so maybe this is the beginning of the end.

Christmas was awesome.  The middle four woke us up at 5, and we got the others up at 5:30.  The kids were surprised that Santa brought them three portable DVD players (great for long car trips), and -- even though we normally don't buy presents for each other for Christmas, we got the kids a cool game for each of them since we're not going on our family trip this year.  Gabe, Mason, Ava and Connor got some really cool RPG card games.  Kiki and Marney got four craft kits to do together.  Max got Don't Break the Ice and Jack got Don't Spill the Beans.  Everyone was happy.

When we were all done opening presents and everyone was relaxing... we discovered that Santa dropped some presents in the hallway!  They opened them and discovered that Santa also got them a new Nintendo DSi and two new DS games (the kids can't stop playing Super Scribblenauts).

Merry Christmas everyone!

Avery :Merry Christmas


Friday, December 24, 2010

Daddio: The Christhawk

Once again this year, I have given Gabe the Christhawk.  Part Mohawk, part Christmas tree.  The Christhawk.  Gabe and I are awesome.

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Just 7 days until the big week!  We'll be adding to our family during family vacation week when we all go help Daddio pick out a new pet snake.  Slider was such an awesome pet, but I'm thinking this time we should go for a bigger snake...something the kids can really play with.  Like this one...

Daddio: Adobe Photoshop

Today I made some pics on Adobe Photoshop. It is really cool. The first pic is of Kiki, Marney and Mikki at the sleepover. The second pic was of Gabe cutting stuff. The third is a robot prototype we built to look like Max-- we tested his hand/eye coordination by making him play MarioKart. Here they are. They are cool.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gabe: Photoshop

Today I made some pics on windows Photoshop. It is really cool. The first pic is of the two girls at the park. The second pic was of Lily with a painting. Here they are. They are cool.

Daddio: Thanks for a Great Birthday!

I want to thank everyone for an awesome birthday.  It was great to come home from the hearing and have a party all set up for me.  You toes are awesome and I had a great time at dinner and the Walk of Lights.

Remember what Pocket Mom says: Friends who want to do bad things, aren't friends at all.  So there's no shame in turning them in for the reward money.

Mommio: Family Vacation Week- Countdown

Eight more days until our "staycation"  Except we're not really staying, we'll be out of the house a lot.  We're even going on a three day trip to Houston where we plan to see the Houston Zoo...
 And finally to the Health Museum!