Friday, December 17, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Vampire Fruit
By Avery
One day there was an orange named Annoying Orange.
Annoying Orange was the most annoying thing in the world! Everyone thought he was a mindless, dumb jerk.
Even his best friend Pear thought so too.
One day pear was bit by a vampire and decided to turn to the dark side! He bit every fruit in the kitchen. Except Annoying Orange. Annoying Orange was his best friend... but Pear was a vampire, he couldn't help it. Suddenly Pear remembered the movie Twilight!
He thought that if Edward didn't bite Bella. He shouldn't bite Annoying Orange. Orange woke up and looked at Pear. Annoying Orange smiled at Pear. Pear saw his sharp teeth and found out he was a vampire too! He found out that he had already bit Orange. He just couldn't control it. The stayed friends and bit all the new fruit in the world. At night when they were all done, the looked up at the sky and saw the pretty moon. It was in the shape of a U. They stayed friends and killed all the fruit together.


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