Friday, December 17, 2010

Mommio: Excitement of the Week

So, we had some excitement here this week!  On Wednesday Connor slipped on tile, landed hard and broke his left femur.  Luckily, the rod in his leg held the bone together and prevented the break from going all the way through his femur.  So- no cast, no surgery, BUT he does have to stay off his feet completely for 4 weeks, maybe longer depending on how he heals.  We are so proud of how he handled this, he knew exactly what was wrong with his leg and the spot where it was broken so he was able to tell the doctors what was going on.  Here's the xray from Thursday- not a very good picture but at the arrow you can see the beginning of the break- on a digital copy you can see the break curves all the way in to the metal rod.


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