Thursday, December 9, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Camping Trip of Doom
By Connor
On a nice sunny day a man went on a trip to Death Valley.  Little did he know the demons of the underworld were planning to do him in.  After setting up camp for the day he went to see Scottie's Castle.  While the man was walking there the demons were working on a few traps.  The man eventually made it to the castle and as he opened the front door a skeleton with a knife fell forwards.  The man was very fast and thus dogged easily before going inside.  The man came to the next trap that the demons set up.  Walking slowly and looking at the castle he almost hadn't noticed a sword swung of the wall.  As he turned and ducked in order to avoid the steel sword.  He went back to standing up, but the sword was coming back.  The sword swung and almost slit his throat when suddenly the sword turned itself from the point where it would slit to the point where it would stab.  The sword missed the man's head by a few inches and shattered against the wall.  The man walked deeper and deeper into the castle and found a wall with the number 666 painted on it.  Next to the number was a phone and a sentence that said "Dial the number mortal."  The man dialed the number and heard a machine on the other side.  The machine said in a deep, evil voice "If you were murdered press 1.  If you were maimed press 2.  If you were burnt to a crisp press 3.  If you want to talk to an actual person press 666 NOW."  The man pressed the number six three times and a man answered.  The man was happy to speak to a person and said so.  The person on the other end of the phone said "Are you currently wondering who I am?"  The man thought a while and said "Yeah.  I do wonder who you are.  So please tell me, sir"  The person on the other end said "It will cost you quite a pretty penny.  Do you comprehend, my good man?"  The man replied with a simple "Yes, sir."  The person on the other end said "All it costs is your soul, your loved ones, and your life.  Do you comply, my good man?  Oh and if you're wondering I will not collect my payment afterward, but rather before hand."  The man said "Okay, sir." and hung up.  After looking through the castle and finding traps that were set up terribly the man left.  Later the man went to get his girlfriend and family members and said "Hey why don't we take a picture near the cool rock formation?"  Everyone agreed with the man and they went to get a picture near the rock formation.  Everyone said that the man, who's name was James, would be the first to have his picture taken.  After all the pictures were taken the group sat around and started a picnic.  Suddenly the demons who were prepared for their plan to end turned the rock formation into a real volcano.  The lava spewed out of the volcano and soon the whole group was covered in lava.  The campers all died in pain and agony and awoke in another realm.  They saw a group of three hundred demons and a throne made of human bones.  Upon the throne sat the devil himself and he said to James "I think we had a deal, my good man.  I am the devil pleased to meet you."  Next to the devil was a door labeled "UNHOLY BROOM CLOSET.  WITCHES ONLY AND DARK WIZARDS ONLY!"  Pointing to the door the devil said "As a reward for giving me what I wanted, you get to be a dark wizard.  Although while you will still live your loved ones, except for a person of your choice, shall now see only darkness."  James thought carefully and then said "I chose my girlfriend.  Sara shall live again as a witch!"  With that James and Sara departed from the land of the dead.  As they did so the demons took the photo of James and placed it on the web.


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