Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Toes: Happy 60th Birthday Nana!

 Sixty Things We Love About Nana
1. She goes places with the little kids on Mondays.
2. She's the best teacher's aide on the planet.
3.  Coke and candy!
4.  She lives right across the street.
5. Nana plays with us.
6.  That she loves us all even though we are constantly getting her sick.
7.  Nana is always there for us the moment we need her, no one else in the world can walk in and instantly take over our house of toes as we rush off to the hospital with Connor.
8.  Alone Nana Days rock!
9.  She lets us come to her house whenever we want.
10.  Her pully skin.
11.  She lets us dress up in her clothes, jewelry and makeup.
12.  She doesn't have many rules.
13.  She gave birth to our big headed Daddio!
14.  Nana always wants the best for us, and even when she isn't sure about our plans she always supports us.
15.  The lake!
16.  She always welcomes our friends like they are just another toe.
17.  She knows what each one of us likes and doesn't like.
18.  Nana is the mighty school supplier!
19.  She's always getting new stuff and giving us her barely old stuff.
20.  She wants us to have even more babies.
21.  Nana overdoes everything, in a good way.
22.  She sings and dances with us.
23.  We get to see Nana at least 15 times a day.
24.  Field trips!
25.  Nana was willing to go on a 24-hour drive with us in Vango to camp in the desert for a week, 
in a tent...with scorpions and rattlesnakes!
26. When we're feeling sad, she likes... LET'S GO SWIMMING!
27. Our love for her grows... and grows... and grows.
28. What other grandmother plays Wii with their grandkids on a regular basis and gets her butt kicked?
29. Dancing always seems to be an interesting mixture of holding her arms over her head and shaking her butt.
30. Two words: Little Debbies.
31. She'll swim in the chlorinated pool, even at the risk of turning her hair green.
32. She'll read to us, even when she can't find her glasses.  It always makes the stories interesting.
33. Only Nana can sew up our stuffed animals the right way.
34. Early morning walks and naming all the dogs in the neighborhood.
35. Only Nana can make pajama pants into a weekend-long outfit.
36. She has the coolest fishtank in the entire world.
37. She's not scared to sing in front of us.
38. She makes the best deserts.  Pizza pan, chocolate chip cookies is its own food group.
39. She laughs at our jokes even when she doesn't understand them.
40. Her television is big enough to be a breakfast table.
41. Need chicken noodle soup?  Nana's got it!
42.  Nana gives us money for Christmas so we can go on vacations.
43.  F is for FUN!
44. Jack says...she let's me watch her go pee.
45. She is so good at taking care of sick people.
46. Max says...I like her to watch me play Cosmic Family.
47. When we used to live far away, Nana was still a huge part of the kids lives and used to even send packages to go with our weekly preschool themes.
48.  Nana's favorite present to get always involves pictures of the grandkids.
49.  She loves it when we're messy!
50.  Nana has bought Connor every Pokemon game known to man...just to get him through all the surgeries.
51.  Nana is awesome with the sewing machine.
52.  Gabe says...she taught me to crochete.
53. She makes a great feast!
54.  She tells funny jokes.
55.  Nana takes ALL the kids to movies.
56.  Pancakes!
57. Nana got us a zipline and she has the coolest backyard ever.
58.  Nana lets us do archery at her house.
59.  She lived through a hurricane with us.
60.  She has the best grandchildren in the world!



Thank you...I do have the best grandchildren in the world. I love you very much...Nana


And she also came to yoga every week and hopped like a frog, flew like an airplane, and meowed like a cat even when her knees were sore! .....Lindsay


What a wonderful list Pris! They say our rewards are await us in heaven, but yours are right across the street! Lucky Duck!
Kids that was an amazing list of reasons why we all love your sweet Nana.
Happy Bday Pris!!....steph

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