Friday, September 28, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1

  Giant Fish
By Mason   
     One day while I was going to school I saw a giant fish in the side of a building.  I wanted to know how the fish got there so I went inside the building.  I talked to the person who owned the place about the giant fish.  He said that it had been there ever since he moved in and he didn't know why.
    I got a ladder and tried to get the fish out of the building because I wanted to be helpful.  I know it was dangerous for me but I did it anyway.  I pulled on the fishes tale but it did not move.  Then I pulled on its fin and it came out of the building and rolled down the hill and destroyed some buildings.  
     As it rolled down hill it crushed some buildings and homes.  It killed a lot of people and it destroyed some houses.  Then it fell in the water and sunk to the bottom.
     I got in big trouble with my parents and they sent me to bed without any dinner!


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