Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gabe: Joans Academy

     My first class was Science. I liked how the science teacher taught. What we did is we had to do a lab. We had to smell liquids and then guess what they were.  I really liked science.
     My second class was English.  In english we read two poems. The first one was confusing and about a bunny. The second one was about driving in Oklahoma.  I love English class.
     My third class was gym.  We played Sharks and minows and Blob.  Sharks and Minnows was really fun. Blob is basically Sharks and Minnows but where when you get tagged you have to hold hands. I love gym class!!
     My fourth class was art.  I made a sketch of a furry cube with a line through it.  It also had Merin in a inner tube going down a water fall.   We had to make weird pic drawings for home work. Art is my favorite class.
     My next class was drama. In drama we frist played some getting to know you games and then a game. We played a game where you would point at someone and say your name.  Then we played a game were she says someone's name and that person ducked and the two people on that persons sides would clap the last one to clap lost. I loved drama.
     My Sixth class was invent. It was really boring the frist day, hopefully it gets better.  We did a lot of talking.  I want it to get better. I liked Invent class.
     My last class was strategy games.  We played three games.  The first one was one is a tic tac toe board with a lot of spaces.  The second one was one where you have to make a bunch and a bunch of boxes. I really, really loved strategy games.


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